..The material in this site is limited to basic birth, marriage, death and immigration information gathered on family members directly or indirectly related.

I would love to hear from you if you are related to any of the people included in this site. I encourage you to use the "Contact" link below to ask for full details on sources and events for those shown, and to inquiure about people in related lines not included here.  Be aware that this is a "work in progress" and the information shown may not be reliable.  I welcome constructive criticism; however, emails that have negative or threatening content will be ignored.

Chinka and Abraham Imyak with Family (Photo taken in Lomza, Poland about 1927)

...Please use the Indexes available on the menu above to read about people on this Website or you may want to go directly to some of the families I have researched by clicking on a name listed below:

Immigrant Ancestors