Anna Melzer
F, #3691, b. 1884
Immigration* | 1901 | Anna immigrated in 1901 to United States. |
Married Name | 1904 | As of 1904,her married name was Haskin. |
Cens1920* | 8 January 1920 | Anna Haskin appeared and was enumerated on the 1920 Federal Census on 8 January 1920 at 66 Eckford Street, New York, Brooklyn Borough, New York, she is listed as a wife living with her husband Abraham Haskin age 39. Residing in the same household: her son Harry Haskin age 14, daughter Eva Haskin age 12 and son Nathan Haskin age 4. Details: F, W, Age at Last Birthday 36, M, Year of Immigration: Unknown, Naturalization: Unknown, able to read: Y, able to write: Y, Able to Speak English: Y, Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Jewish, Father Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Jewish, Mother Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Jewish, Able to speak English: Yes. |
Cens1930* | 21 April 1930 | Anna Haskin appeared and was enumerated on the 1930 Federal Census on 21 April 1930 at 1026 East 15th Street, Borough of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, she is listed as a wife living with her husband Abraham Haskin age 49. Residing in the same household: her daughter Eva Haskin age 20, son Nathan Haskin age 18 and father-in-law Hyman Haskin age 72. Details: F, W, Age at Last Birthday 45, M, Age at first marriage: 19, Able to Read and to Write: Yes, Place of Birth: Russia, Father's Place of Birth: Russia, Mother's Place of Birth: Russia, Mother Tongue: Yiddish, Year of Immigration: 1901, Citizenship: Alien, Able to speak English: Yes. |
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Harris Haskin
M, #3692, b. 18 February 1905
Cens1920* | 8 January 1920 | Harris Haskin appeared and was enumerated on the 1920 Federal Census on 8 January 1920 at 66 Eckford Street, New York, Brooklyn Borough, New York, he is listed as a son living with his parents Abraham and Anna Haskin. Residing in the same household: his sister Eva Haskin age 12 and brother Nathan Haskin age 4. Details: M, W, Age at Last Birthday 14, S, Attended School anytime since Sept. 1, 1919: Yes, Able to read: Y, Able to write: Y, Place of Birth New York, Father Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Jewish, Mother Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Jewish, Able to Speak English: Y. |
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Eva Haskin
F, #3693, b. 1908
Cens1920* | 8 January 1920 | Eva Haskin appeared and was enumerated on the 1920 Federal Census on 8 January 1920 at 66 Eckford Street, New York, Brooklyn Borough, New York, she is listed as a daughter living with her parents Abraham and Anna Haskin. Residing in the same household: her brothers Harry Haskin age 14 and brother Nathan Haskin age 4. Details: F, W, Age at Last Birthday 12, S, Attended School anytime since Sept. 1, 1919: Yes, Able to read: Y, Able to write: Y, Place of Birth New York, Father Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Jewish, Mother Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Jewish, Able to Speak English: Y. |
Cens1930* | 21 April 1930 | Eva Haskin appeared and was enumerated on the 1930 Federal Census on 21 April 1930 at 1026 East 15th Street, Borough of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, she is listed as a daughter living with her parents Abraham and Anna Haskin. Residing in the same household: her brother Nathan Haskin age 18 and grandfather Hyman Haskin age 72. Details: F, W, Age at Last Birthday 20, S, Able to Read and to Write: Yes, Place of Birth: New York, Father's Place of Birth: Russia, Mother's Place of Birth: Russia, Able to speak English: Yes, Occupation: Teacher, Industry: Public School, earns wages, Was at work: Yes. |
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Nathan Haskin
M, #3694, b. 1916
Cens1920* | 8 January 1920 | Nathan Haskin appeared and was enumerated on the 1920 Federal Census on 8 January 1920 at 66 Eckford Street, New York, Brooklyn Borough, New York, he is listed as a son living with his parents Abraham and Anna Haskin. Residing in the same household: his brother Harry Haskin age 14 and sister Eva Haskin age 12. Details: M, W, Age at Last Birthday 4, S, Attended School anytime since Sept. 1, 1919: Yes, Place of Birth New York, Father Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Jewish, Mother Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Jewish, Able to read: Y, Able to write: Y, Able to Speak English: Y. |
Cens1930* | 21 April 1930 | Nathan Haskin appeared and was enumerated on the 1930 Federal Census on 21 April 1930 at 1026 East 15th Street, Borough of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, he is listed as a son living with his parents Abraham and Anna Haskin. Residing in the same household: his sister Eva Haskin age 20 and grandfather Hyman Haskin age 72. Details: M, W, Age at Last Birthday 18, S, Place of Birth: New York, Father's Place of Birth: Russia, Mother's Place of Birth: Russia, Able to speak English: Yes, Occupation: Office Clerk, Industry: Brokerage, earns wages, Was at Work: Yes. |
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Israel Haskin
M, #3695, b. circa 1830, d. circa 1900
Birth* | circa 1830 | Israel Haskin was born circa 1830 at Russia. |
Death* | circa 1900 | Israel Haskin died circa 1900 at Russia. |
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Myron Friedman
M, #3696, b. 12 September 1924, d. 9 November 1974
Cens1940* | 2 April 1940 | Myron Friedman appeared and was enumerated on the 1940 Federal Census on 2 April 1940 at 913 Glenmore Avenue, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, he is listed as a son living with his parents Albert and Sarah Friedman. Residing in the same house: brother Stanley Friedman age 8, sister Anita Friedman age 13 and cousin Doris Friedman age 12. Details: M, W, Age at Last Birthday 16, S, Attended school since March 1, 1940: Yes, Highest grade of school completed: H-3, Place of Birth: New York, Residence, April 1, 1935: Same Place, was at work week of March 24-30: No, Engaged in School. |
Milit-DraftCard WWII* | 18 December 1942 | Myron registered for the draft for World War II on 18 December 1942, while living at 913 Glenmore Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, reporting he was employed by Sam Pincus, Plumber, 352 E. 91st Street, Brooklyn, NY. His Draft Card contains the following information: Local Board 230 Brooklyn, New York - Serial Number: W43, Order Number: 12243, Name: Myron Friedman, Address: 913 Glenmore Ave, Brooklyn, NY, Age: 18, Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York, Phone Number: AP6-7245, Date of Birth: 12 September 1924, Name of Person who will know your address: Sara Friedman, Relationship of that Person: mother, Address of that Person: Same, Employer's Name: Sam Pincus, Plumber, Place of Employment: 352 E. 91st Street, Brooklyn, NY; Height: 5'4", Weight: 140, Complexion: light, Eye Color: Hazel, Hair: Blond, Registration Date: 18 December 1942. |
Milit-Beg* | 31 January 1943 | Myron began military service on 31 January 1943 at New York, New York. |
Milit-End* | 9 February 1946 | Myron ended military service on 9 February 1946 at California. |
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Albert Friedman
M, #3697, b. 1892, d. circa 1970
Cens1940* | 2 April 1940 | Albert Friedman appeared and was enumerated on the 1940 Federal Census on 2 April 1940 at 913 Glenmore Avenue, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, he is listed as head of household living with his wife Sarah Friedman age 43. Residing in the same house: sons Myron Friedman age 16 and Stanley Friedman age 8, daughter Anita Friedman age 13 and niece Doris Friedman age 12. Details: Home Rented, Monthly Rental $30, M, W, Age at Last Birthday 48, M, Attended school since March 1, 1940: No, Highest grade of school completed: 7th, Place of Birth: New York, Residence, April 1, 1935: Same Place, was assigned to public emergency work week of March 24-30: Yes, No of hours worked March 24-30, 1940: -, Occupation: laborer, Industry: Department of Public Works, Class of Worker: Government Wages, No. of Weeks worked in 1939: 52, Income in 1939: $1,768, Did this person receive income of $50 or more from sources other than wages or salary: No - Supplementary Question: Name: Albert Friedman, father's birthplace: Russia, mother's birthplace: Russia, person's mother or native tongue: Jewish, Does this person have a Social Security Number: Yes, Were deductions made for Social Security: No, Usual Occupation: Laborer, Industry: Water Supply Department, Class: paid government wages - Albert provided the family information to the Census Worker. |
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Sara Leibowitz
F, #3698, b. 1897, d. circa 1970
Married Name | circa 1921 | As of circa 1921,her married name was Friedman. |
Cens1940* | 2 April 1940 | Sara Friedman appeared and was enumerated on the 1940 Federal Census on 2 April 1940 at 913 Glenmore Avenue, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, she is listed as a wife living with her husband Albert Freidman age 48. Residing in the same house: sons Myron Friedman age 16 and Stanley Friedman age 8, daughter Anita Friedman age 13 and niece Doris Friedman age 12. Details: F, W, Age at Last Birthday 43, M, Attended school since March 1, 1940: No, Highest grade of school completed: 8, Place of Birth: New York, Residence, April 1, 1935: Same Place, was at work week of March 24-30: No, Engaged in Housework. |
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Abraham Neutowitz
M, #3699, b. circa 1900, d. 1 April 1959
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George Gill
M, #3700, b. 5 March 1898, d. circa 1960
Name Variation | 6 March 1898 | As of 6 March 1898, George Gill was also known as Udel Giltshik. |
Psgr List* | 20 September 1911 | George Gill was found on the manifest of a passenger ship arriving on 20 September 1911 at New York, New York, the S.S. Caronia. He traveled from the city of Kopyl, District of Slutsk, the Province of Minsk, Belarus (via Libau, Latvia) to the port of Liverpool, England. He was listed as a passenger on the S.S. Caronia which sailed on 19 September 1911 and arrived New York, New York, on 20 September 1911. The following information was listed on the manifest: name: Joseph Gilchik age 18 traveling with his sister Eva Gilchik age 17; occupation: laborer; Can read and write: Yes, Nationality: Russian; Race or people: Hebrew; his last permanent address was Kopyl; the name and complete address of nearest relative or friend in country whence alien came is father: M. Gilchik, Kopyl; Ticket to his final destination: No; Who paid for passage: self; he had $50 in his possession; he was going to join his Uncle H. Haskin, 238 Clinton Street, New York, New York, place birth was Kopyl, Russia. |
Milit-Beg* | 13 April 1917 | George began military service on 13 April 1917 in the United States Army. |
Milit-Serv* | 17 June 1918 | George was stationed at Camp Harry J. Jones in Douglas, Arizona on 17 June 1918. |
Cens1930* | 19 April 1930 | George Gill appeared and was enumerated on the 1930 Federal Census on 19 April 1930 at Creedmoor Division, Brooklyn State Hospital, Queens, New York, New York, he is listed as a Resident of the Creedmoor Division of Brooklyn State. Details: M, W, Age at Last Birthday 32, S, Attended school anytime since Sept. 1, 1929: No, Able to Read and to Write: No, Place of Birth: Russia, Father's Place of Birth: Russia, Mother's Place of Birth: Russia, Mother Tongue: Russian, Year of Immigration: 1911, Citizenship: Naturalized, Able to speak English: Yes, Occupation: Cook, Industry: Hospital, At work: Yes, Whether a Veteran: Yes - World War. |
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Morris Zasofsky
M, #3701, b. 1 May 1867, d. 18 January 1938
Psgr List* | 12 July 1906 | Morris Zasofsky was found on the manifest of a passenger ship arriving on 12 July 1906 at New York, New York, the S.S. Barcelona. He traveled from the city of Odessa, Russia to the port of Hamburg, Germany and was listed as a passenger on the S.S. Barcelona which sailed on 27 June 1906 and arrived New York, New York, on 12 July 1906. The following information was listed on the manifest: name: Moses Sasowski age 46 traveling with his wife Anna Sasowski age 33 and sons Isaak Sasowski age 11, Paul Sasowski age 9, David Sasowski age 7, Boritz Sasowski age 5 and Elias Sasowski age 11/12 months; occupation: merchant; Can read and write: Yes, Nationality: Russian; Race or people: Hebrew; his last permanent address was Odessa; Ticket to his final destination: Yes; Who paid for passage: self; he had $300 in his possession; he was going to join his brother-in-law Adolf Diamont, 489 Broadway Street, Brooklyn, New York. |
Cens1920* | 6 January 1920 | Morris Zasofsky appeared and was enumerated on the 1920 Federal Census on 6 January 1920 at 401 Woodvale Avenue, Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, he is listed as head of household living with his wife Anna Zasofsky age 48. Residing in the same household: his sons Edward Zasofsky age 27, Paul Zasofsky age 23, Dave Zasofsky age 22 and Alex Zasofsky age 15. Details: Home Owned, free of mortgage: M, W, Age at Last Birthday 57, M, Date of Immigration: 1905, Naturalization: Naturalized in 1914, able to read: Y, able to write: Y, Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Hebrew, Father Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Hebrew, Mother Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Hebrew, Able to Speak English Yes, Occupation: retailer, Industry: general merchandise, earns wages. |
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Anna Koenigstol
F, #3703, b. 1872, d. 7 December 1939
Married Name | circa 1891 | As of circa 1891,her married name was Zasofsky. |
Psgr List* | 12 July 1906 | Anna Zasofsky was found on the manifest of a passenger ship arriving on 12 July 1906 at New York, New York, the S.S. Barcelona. She traveled from the city of Odessa to the port of Hamburg, Germany and was listed as a passenger on the S.S. Barcelona which sailed on 27 June 1906 and arrived New York, New York, on 12 July 1906. The following information was listed on the manifest: name: Anna Sasowski age 33 traveling with her husband Moses Sasowski age 46 and sons Isaak Sasowski age 11, Paul Sasowski age 9, David Sasowski age 7, Boritz Sasowski age 5 and Elias Sasowski age 11/12 months; occupation: wife; Can read and write: Yes, Nationality: Russian; Race or people: Hebrew; his last permanent address was Odessa; Ticket to his final destination: Yes; Who paid for passage: -; she had $- in her possession; she was going to join her brother-in-law Adolf Diamont, 489 Broadway Street, Brooklyn, New York. |
Cens1920* | 6 January 1920 | Anna Zasofsky appeared and was enumerated on the 1920 Federal Census on 6 January 1920 at 401 Woodvale Avenue, Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, she is listed as a wife living with her husband Morris Zasofsky age 57. Residing in the same household: her sons Edward Zasofsky age 27, Paul Zasofsky age 23, Dave Zasofsky age 22 and Alex Zasofsky age 15. Details: F, W, Age at Last Birthday 48, M, Year of Immigration: 1905, Naturalization: Naturalized in 1914, able to read: Y, able to write: Y, Able to Speak English: Y, Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Hebrew, Father Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Hebrew, Mother Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Hebrew, Able to speak English: Yes. |
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Paul Zasofsky
M, #3704, b. 23 October 1896, d. 19 February 1923
Birth* | 23 October 1896 | Paul Zasofsky was born on 23 October 1896 at Odessa, Russia. |
Marriage* | circa 1920 | Paul Zasofsky and Sarah Silverstein were married circa 1920 in Rechoboth, Jaffa, Palestine. |
Death* | 19 February 1923 | Paul Zasofsky died on 19 February 1923 at Fordham Hospital, New York, Bronx Borough, New York, at age 26. |
Burial* | 21 February 1923 | Paul was buried on 21 February 1923 at Rodef Sholom Cemetery, Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. |
Psgr List* | 12 July 1906 | Paul Zasofsky was on a passenger list on 12 July 1906 at New York, New York, the S.S. Barcelona. He traveled from the city of Odessa to the port of Hamburg, Germany and was listed as a passenger on the S.S. Barcelona which sailed on 27 June 1906 and arrived New York, New York, on 12 July 1906. The following information was listed on the manifest: name: Paul Sasowski age 9 traveling with his parents Anna and Moses Sasowski and his brothers Isaak Sasowski age 11, David Sasowski age 7, Boritz Sasowski age 5 and Elias Sasowski age 11/12 months; occupation: merchant; Can read and write: Yes, Nationality: Russian; Race or people: Hebrew; his last permanent address was Odessa; Ticket to his final destination: Yes; Who paid for passage: -; he had - in his possession; he was going to join his uncle Adolf Diamont, 489 Broadway Street, Brooklyn, New York. |
Cens1920* | 6 January 1920 | Paul Zasofsky appeared and was enumerated on the 1920 Federal Census on 6 January 1920 at 401 Woodvale Avenue, Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, he is listed as a son living with his parents Morris and Anna Zasofsky. Residing in the same household: his brothers Edward Zasofsky age 27, Dave Zasofsky age 22 and Alex Zasofsky age 15. Details: M, W, Age at Last Birthday 23, S, Date of Immigration: 1905, Naturalization: Naturalized in 1914, able to read: Y, able to write: Y, Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Hebrew, Father Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Hebrew, Mother Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Hebrew, Able to Speak English Yes. |
Psgr List | 29 December 1920 | Paul Zasofsky was found on the manifest of a passenger ship arriving on 29 December 1920 at New York, New York, the S.S. Rochambeau. She traveled from the port of Le Havre, France and was listed as a passenger on the S.S. Rochambeau which sailed on 1 December 1920 and arrived New York, New York on 29 December 1920. The following information was listed on the manifest: name: Sarah Zasofsky age 21 traveling with her husband Paul Zasofsky age 24; passport issued by Consul Cairo 00027 American by marriage; final destination: 401 Woodvale Avenue, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. |
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David Zasofsky
M, #3705, b. 1898, d. circa 1970
Birth* | 1898 | David Zasofsky was born in 1898 at Odessa, Russia. |
Death* | circa 1970 | David Zasofsky died circa 1970. |
Psgr List* | 12 July 1906 | David Zasofsky was found on the manifest of a passenger ship arriving on 12 July 1906 at New York, New York, the S.S. Barcelona. He traveled from the city of Odessa, Russia to the port of Hamburg, Germany and was listed as a passenger on the S.S. Barcelona which sailed on 27 June 1906 and arrived New York, New York, on 12 July 1906. The following information was listed on the manifest: name: David Sasowski age 7 traveling with his parents Anna and Moses Sasowski and his brothers Isaak Sasowski age 11, Paul Sasowski age 9, Boritz Sasowski age 5 and Elias Sasowski age 11/12 months; occupation: merchant; Can read and write: Yes, Nationality: Russian; Race or people: Hebrew; his last permanent address was Odessa; Ticket to his final destination: Yes; Who paid for passage: -; he had - in his possession; he was going to join his uncle Adolf Diamont, 489 Broadway Street, Brooklyn, New York. |
Cens1920* | 6 January 1920 | David Zasofsky appeared and was enumerated on the 1920 Federal Census on 6 January 1920 at 401 Woodvale Avenue, Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, he is listed as a son living with his parents Morris and Anna Zasofsky. Residing in the same household: his brothers Edward Zasofsky age 27, Paul Zasofsky age 23 and Alex Zasofsky age 15. Details: M, W, Age at Last Birthday 22, S, Date of Immigration: 1905, Naturalization: Naturalized in 1914, able to read: Y, able to write: Y, Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Hebrew, Father Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Hebrew, Mother Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Hebrew, Able to Speak English Yes, Occupation: salesman, Industry: general merchandise, earns wages. |
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Benjamin Zasofsky
M, #3706, b. 22 March 1900, d. 27 September 1918
Birth* | 22 March 1900 | Benjamin Zasofsky was born on 22 March 1900 at Odessa, Russia. |
Death* | 27 September 1918 | Benjamin Zasofsky died on 27 September 1918 at Belleau Wood, France, at age 18. |
Burial* | 28 September 1918 | Benjamin was buried on 28 September 1918 at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, Belleau, France; Veteran Compensation Application No. 274640, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, County of Cambria; Anna Koenigstol Zasofsky is the surviving mother of the deceased. He served in the military and was killed in action 27 September 1918. He enlisted in New York, New York; Place of birth Odessa, Russia 22 March 1900; he was in Company "C" 106th Infantry, grade Private. Dated 29 March 1934. |
Psgr List* | 12 July 1906 | Benjamin Zasofsky was found on the manifest of a passenger ship arriving on 12 July 1906 at New York, New York, the S.S. Barcelona. He traveled from the city of Odessa, Russia to the port of Hamburg, Germany and was listed as a passenger on the S.S. Barcelona which sailed on 27 June 1906 and arrived New York, New York, on 12 July 1906. The following information was listed on the manifest: name: Boritz Sasowski age 5 traveling with his parents Anna and Moses Sasowski and his brothers Isaak Sasowski age 11, Paul Sasowski age 9, David Sasowski age 7 and Elias Sasowski age 11/12 months; occupation: merchant; Can read and write: Yes, Nationality: Russian; Race or people: Hebrew; his last permanent address was Odessa; Ticket to his final destination: Yes; Who paid for passage: -; he had - in his possession; he was going to join his uncle Adolf Diamont, 489 Broadway Street, Brooklyn, New York. |
Milit-Serv* | 10 May 1918 | Benjamin was found on a Transport List leaving from Hoboken, New Jersey on the U.S.S. Lincoln. He is listed as Company "C" 106th Infantry, Grade: Private. |
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Alex Zasofsky
M, #3707, b. May 1904, d. circa 1980
Birth* | May 1904 | Alex Zasofsky was born in May 1904 at Odessa, Russia. |
Death* | circa 1980 | Alex Zasofsky died circa 1980. |
Psgr List* | 12 July 1906 | Alex Zasofsky was found on the manifest of a passenger ship arriving on 12 July 1906 at New York, New York, the S.S. Barcelona. He traveled from the city of Odessa, Russia to the port of Hamburg, Germany and was listed as a passenger on the S.S. Barcelona which sailed on 27 June 1906 and arrived New York, New York, on 12 July 1906. The following information was listed on the manifest: name: Elias Sasowski age 11/12 months traveling with his parents Anna and Moses Sasowski and his brothers Isaak Sasowski age 11, Paul Sasowski age 9, David Sasowski age 7 and Boritz Sasowski age 5; occupation: merchant; Can read and write: Yes, Nationality: Russian; Race or people: Hebrew; his last permanent address was Odessa; Ticket to his final destination: Yes; Who paid for passage: -; he had - in his possession; he was going to join his uncle Adolf Diamont, 489 Broadway Street, Brooklyn, New York. |
Cens1920* | 6 January 1920 | Alex Zasofsky appeared and was enumerated on the 1920 Federal Census on 6 January 1920 at 401 Woodvale Avenue, Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, he is listed as a son living with his parents Morris and Anna Zasofsky. Residing in the same household: his brothers Edward Zasofsky age 27, Paul Zasofsky age 23 and Dave Zasofsky. Details: M, W, Age at Last Birthday 15, S, Date of Immigration: 1905, Naturalization: Naturalized in 1914, Attended school anytime since Sept. 1, 1919: Yes, able to read: Y, able to write: Y, Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Hebrew, Father Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Hebrew, Mother Place of Birth Russia, Mother Tongue Hebrew, Able to Speak English Yes. |
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Adele Berkaticz
F, #3708, b. 1904, d. 27 September 1957
Married Name | circa 1922 | As of circa 1922,her married name was Gill. |
Psgr List* | 10 January 1929 | Adele Gill was found on the manifest of a passenger ship arriving on 10 January 1929 at New York, New York, the S.S. George Washington. She traveled from her home in Kalinowszczyzna, Lublin, Poland to the port of Southampton, England and was listed as a passenger on the S.S. George Washington which sailed on 30 December 1928 and arrived New York, New York on 10 January 1929. The following information was listed on the manifest: name: Dalka Gill age 28 traveling with her son Josel Gill age 4; occupation: housewife; Can read and write: Yes, Nationality: Poland; Race of People: Hebrew, Last Permanent Address: Kalinowszczyzna; Name/address of relative/friend in home country: brother Godel Berkaticz, Ticket to his final destination: -; Who paid for passage: self; she had - in her possession; she was going to join her husband George Gill, 1866 62nd Street, Brooklyn, New York. |
Cens1930* | 28 April 1930 | Adele Gill appeared and was enumerated on the 1930 Federal Census on 28 April 1930 at 1866 62nd Street, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, she is listed as a sister-in-law living with Louis and Esther Zuckerman. Residing in the same household: her nieces Margaret Zuckerman age 8 and Irene Zuckerman age 5, sister-in-law Pearl Gould age 26 and son Joseph Gill age 6. Details: F, W, Age at Last Birthday 29, M, Attended school anytime since Sept. 1, 1929: No, Able to Read and to Write: Yes, Place of Birth: Russia, Father's Place of Birth: Russia, Mother's Place of Birth: Russia, Mother Tongue: Jewish, Year of Immigration: 1929, Citizenship: Naturalized, Able to speak English: Yes, Occupation: mender, Industry: hosiery manufacturer, earns wage, Wat at work: Yes. |
Cens1940* | 9 April 1940 | Adele Gill appeared and was enumerated on the 1940 Federal Census on 9 April 1940 at 184 Sackman Street, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, she is listed as head of household. Residing in the same house: her son Joseph Gill age 16 and lodger Sophie Epstein age 42. Details: Rented, Monthly Rental $32, F, W, Age at Last Birthday 36, D, Attended school since March 1, 1940: No, Highest grade of school completed: 4, Place of Birth: Poland, Residence, April 1, 1935: Same Place, was at work week of March 24-30: Yes, Number of Hours Worked week of March 24-30, 1940: 35, Occupation: Operator, Industry: Underwear Factory, Paid Wages, No. of weeks worked in 1939: 26, Amount of income in 1939: $304, Did this person receive income of $50 or more from sources other than wages or salary: Yes - She was the family informant to the Census Worker. |
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Joseph Gill
M, #3709, b. 15 January 1924
Birth* | 15 January 1924 | Joseph Gill was born on 15 January 1924 at Poland. |
Psgr List* | 10 January 1929 | Joseph Gill was found on the manifest of a passenger ship arriving on 10 January 1929 at New York, New York, the S.S. George Washington. He traveled from his home in Kalinowszczyzna, Lublin, Poland to the port of Southampton, England and was listed as a passenger on the S.S. George Washington which sailed on 30 December 1928 and arrived New York, New York on 10 January 1929. The following information was listed on the manifest: name: Josel Gill age 4 traveling with his mother Dalka Gill age 28; occupation: child; Can read and write: -, Nationality: Poland; Race of People: Hebrew, Last Permanent Address: Kalinowszczyzna; Name/address of relative/friend in home country: uncle Godel Berkaticz, Ticket to his final destination: No; Who paid for passage: mother; he had $0 in his possession; he was going to join his father George Gill, 1866 62nd Street, Brooklyn, New York. |
Cens1930* | 28 April 1930 | Joseph Gill appeared and was enumerated on the 1930 Federal Census on 28 April 1930 at 1866 62nd Street, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, he is listed as a nephew living with Louis and Esther Zuckerman. Residing in the same household: his mother Adele Gill age 29 and cousins Margaret Zuckerman age 8 and Irene Zuckerman age 5, aunt Pearl Gould age 26. Details: M, W, Age at Last Birthday 6, S, Attended school anytime since Sept. 1, 1929: Yes, Able to Read and to Write: No, Place of Birth: Poland, Father's Place of Birth: Russia, Mother's Place of Birth: Russia, Mother Tongue: Jewish, Year of Immigration: 1929, Citizenship: Naturalized, Able to speak English: Yes. |
Cens1940* | 9 April 1940 | Joseph Gill appeared and was enumerated on the 1940 Federal Census on 9 April 1940 at 184 Sackman Street, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, he is listed as a son residing with his mother Adele Gill. Residing in the same household: lodger Sophie Epstein age 42. Details: M, W, Age at Last Birthday 16, S, Attended school since March 1, 1940: Yes, Highest grade of school completed: H-3, Place of Birth: Poland, Residence, April 1, 1935: Same Place, was at work week of March 24-30: No, Engaged in School. |
Milit-DraftCard WWII* | 30 June 1942 | Joseph registered for the draft for World War II on 30 June 1942, while living at Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, reporting he was employed by Brooklyn Work Shop, 980 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. His Draft Card contains the following information: Serial Number: N525, Order Number 12100, Name: Joseph Gill, Address: 184 Sackman Street, Brooklyn, NY, Age: 18, Place of Birth: Poland, Phone Number: None, Date of Birth: 15 January 1924, Name and address of Person who will know your address: Adele Gill, 184 Sackman Street, Brooklyn, NY, Employer's Name: Brooklyn Work Shop, Place of Employment: 980 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY; Height: 5'8 1/2", Weight: 134, Complexion: light, Eye Color: brown, Hair: Brown, Registration Date: 30 June 1942. |
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Arthur Goldstein
M, #3710, b. 22 August 1918, d. 25 July 1997
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Mario DeGregorio
M, #3711, b. 14 March 1924, d. 7 February 2010
Milit-Serv* | circa 1944 | Mario was in the U.S. Army and a member of the American Legion Post #31 in Rutland, Vermont. |
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Sarah Silverstein
F, #3715, b. 10 July 1899, d. 1991
Married Name | circa 1920 | As of circa 1920,her married name was Zasofsky. |
Psgr List* | 29 December 1920 | Sarah Zasofsky was found on the manifest of a passenger ship arriving on 29 December 1920 at New York, New York, the S.S. Rochambeau. She traveled from the port of Le Havre, France and was listed as a passenger on the S.S. Rochambeau which sailed on 1 December 1920 and arrived New York, New York on 29 December 1920. The following information was listed on the manifest: name: Sarah Zasofsky age 21, married, traveling with her husband Paul Zasofsky age 24; passport issued by Consul Cairo 00027 American by marriage; final destination: 401 Woodvale Avenue, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. |
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Mansche Haskin
M, #3718, b. 1849, d. circa 1930
Birth* | 1849 | Mansche Haskin was born in 1849 at Russia. |
Death* | circa 1930 | Mansche Haskin died circa 1930. |
Psgr List* | 20 November 1895 | Mansche Haskin was found on the manifest of a passenger ship arriving on 20 November 1895 at Quebec, Canada, the S.S. Lake Huron. He traveled to the port of Liverpool, England (likely via Libau, Latvia) and was listed as a passenger on the S.S. Lake Huron which sailed on 7 November 1895 and arrived Quebec, Canada on 20 November 1895 and followed on to St. Albans, Vermont at the Canadian border. The following information was listed on the manifest: name: Manische Haskin age 46 traveling with his (I believe) his nephew Abraham Haskin age 17; occupation: carpenter; Can read and write: Yes, Nationality: Russian; Ticket to his final destination: Yes; Who paid for passage: self; he had $10 in his possession; he was going to join his cousin M. Haskin, 55 Buliger Street, New York, New York. |
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Beatrice Betty Zasofsky
F, #3719, b. 19 June 1922, d. 4 July 2004
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Isaac Koenigstol
M, #3720, b. circa 1848, d. circa 1910
Birth* | circa 1848 | Isaac Koenigstol was born circa 1848 at Russia. |
Death* | circa 1910 | Isaac Koenigstol died circa 1910 at Russia. |
If you would like to add information or make corrections to this individual, please contact me using the link at the bottom of the page.